This paper expounds some factors influencing the smoothness of asphalt concrete pavement from four aspects of the paving machine, rolling machine, paving process and construction joint treatment. 为保证沥青路面的平整度,介绍了机械摊铺时应采取的操作措施,以及机械碾压方法和接缝处的处理措施。
The construction joint, temperature and shrinkage cracks should be controlled specially in mass concrete construction. 施工冷缝、温度和收缩裂缝是大体积混凝土施工中应重点控制的问题。
Adding CCCW agent to cement mortar makes surface treatment and curing of concrete more convenient and waterproofing design of construction joint, pile head and post-pouring joint simpler. 将水泥基渗透结晶型防水剂掺在水泥砂浆中代替传统涂层可使混凝土表面处理及养护方便、易操作,也给施工缝、桩头、后浇带的防水带来更简洁的节点设计。
The Treatment of Construction Joint of Cast-in-place Concrete 现浇混凝土施工缝的留置及处理
Using different joint interfacial treatment method, the bond splitting tensile strength of cubic specimens with construction joint was tested. 采用不同的施工缝接缝面处理方法,对带有施工缝的混凝土立方体试块的粘结劈裂抗拉强度进行了试验研究。
To solve the technical problems about concrete construction joint and roof beam placement, the main powerhouse was constructed with simple and crude construction equipments and local manpower and material resources. 利用当地人力物力资源,组织主厂房施工。较好地解决了砼施工缝和屋面大梁的浇筑等技术问题,经运行检验。
Treatment method of construction joint in reinforced concrete structure 钢筋混凝土结构施工缝处理方法的探讨
The setting of the position and the types of construction joint is discussed. The reasons caused quality defects of construction joint are also analyzed. Practical measures are presented to strengthen the adherence of young and old concrete to ensure the construction quality of reinforced concrete pool. 探讨了施工缝位置及接缝形式的确定,分析了水池施工缝质量问题的产生原因,对施工缝加强新老混凝土结合的措施作了阐述,以确保钢筋混凝土水池的施工质量。
In this article, author describes different constitution measures of construction joint in underground waterproof structure, analyses and compares advantages and disadvantages of different measures, and presents selection measures of the constitution of construction joints which might provide guidance for engineering design and construction. 介绍了地下防水结构施工缝的不同构造方法,分析比较了各方法间的优缺点,提出了施工缝构造的选择原则,对工程设计和施工具有一定的指导意义。
The design of three layer defence construction joint ensures the quality of waterproof. 三道防线后浇带设计,保证后浇带防水质量并充分发挥应有的结构作用。
The setting and treatment of construction joint in concrete work 混凝土工程施工缝留置及处治
Compound formulation& application of thermoplastic elastomer for construction joint of bridge 桥梁伸缩缝用弹塑体的配方设计和应用性能
The article introduces the treatment method of floor construction joint and shear wall construction joint, and analyses the concrete treatment method of construction joint. 介绍了楼板施工缝和剪力墙施工缝的留置方法以及施工缝的具体处理方法。
Comparison and Analysis of Constitution Measures of Construction Joint in Underground Waterproof Structure 地下防水结构施工缝构造方法比较和分析
Setting for construction joint in large equipment foundation 大型设备基础施工缝的设置
The result of this article is shown as follows: 1. It is central reason of highway tunnel waterproof board leaking that the breakage of waterproof layer during tunnel construction period, tunnel construction joint at top of middle blocking walls misconducting and the bad construction quality. 本文研究结果表明:1、防水板在隧道施工期间的破损、隧道中隔墙顶部的施工缝处理不当和施工质量欠佳是公路隧道防水层渗漏水的主要原因。
In this paper, a new technology about the waterproof agent for concrete construction joint in tunnel has been studied. 提出了一种治理隧道混凝土施工缝渗漏水的外加剂新技术&弥合剂砂浆防水技术。
It is good method to solve highway tunnel leakage that protecting waterproof board not breakage, tunnel construction joint at top of middle blocking walls disposing with felicitousness and the good construction quality. 保证防水板在施工期间不破坏、隧道中隔墙顶部的施工缝处理恰当和施工质量良好才能比较有效的解决公路隧道渗漏水问题。
The paper makes brief introduction of its feature functioning mechanism and caution of usage, as well as introduces its application in deformed construction joint of radiation-shielding concrete. 文章就其特征及作用机理、使用注意事项作了简介,并介绍了其在防辐射混凝土异形施工缝中的应用。
Calculation and research on influence of dam strength by vertical construction joint grouting 施工纵缝灌浆措施对坝体强度影响计算研究
Study of elastic concrete properties and their application to construction joint of bridge 弹性混凝土性能研究及在桥梁伸缩缝工程中的应用
By test results and theoretical analysis, the stress characteristics and transmission mechanism of construction joint are further clarified, then the model of construction joints is established. 总结试验结果并结合理论分析,进一步明确施工缝的受力特点及传力机制,推导建立了施工缝模型。
The model can be used in nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structure simulation of construction joint. 该模型可以用来在钢筋混凝土结构非线性分析中模拟施工缝。
Through comprehensive analysis of construction joint of two component and their commitment to the role of the tangential force and the normal force, the force transfer mechanism of construction joint is cleared. 综合分析施工缝的两个组成成分在切向力和法向力中各自承担的作用,明确施工缝的传力机制。
On this basis, a fiber line element model is derived which can be used to simulate the columns with construction joint. 并在此基础上进一步推导建立了可以用来模拟带缝柱的纤维杆元模型。